孙润仓,男,1955年2月生,陕西岐山人,教授,博士生导师。1982年2月毕业于西北大学化学系,1996年获英国威尔士大学博士学位,2000年获国家杰出青年基金及"长江学者奖励计划"特聘教授,973首席科学家(2009年)。曾兼任华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室主任(2008. 8-2015. 5)、任材料科学与技术学院院长(2011. 10-2015. 9)。现为大连工业大学轻工与化学工程学院教授、博士生导师。三十多年来,一直从事于生物质转化为新材料、新能源及化学品方面的研究,提出了一种全新的生物质高效转化途径"组分清洁分离→建立转化平台→定向转化为新材料",阐明了生物质组分清洁解离机制,实现了生物质组分高效分离;依据分离组分的构效关系,构建了生物质转化为高值化材料及生物乙醇的新理论与新技术。在国内外学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文800余篇,其中505篇发表在JCR一区期刊上,发表EI收录论文58篇,论文被正面引用3万余次 (Google Scholar H-因子 86, Web of Science H因子66),国际会议特邀及大会报告50余次。主编Cereal Straw as a Resource for Sustainable Biomaterials and Biofuels: Chemistry, Extractives, Lignins, Hemicelluloses and Cellulose专著1部 (2010, Elsevier),同时还被国外专家邀请参与编写Hemicelluloses: Chemistry and Technology等英文专著33部和英国科学分离百科全书1部,授权发明专利103件。连续四年入选爱思维尔中国高被引学者,同时入选科睿唯安2018年全球高被引学者。
(2)系列研究成果分别获国家技术发明二等奖2项(排名1, 3),教育部自然科学一等奖3项(均排名1)、科技进步一等奖1项(排名1),陕西省科技进步一等奖1项(排名1),中国工程院第十一届光华工程科技奖获得者(1)。
(3)英国皇家化学会Fellow,美国木材科学学会委员会Member Committee Member,美国化学会KINGFA Award委员会委员,中国生物工程学会第六届理事会理事,中国林学会林产化学化工分会常务理事,生物质化学工程理事会理事;
(4) 国外SCI期刊Industrial Crops and Products (JCR一区, IF 3.849)主编(Editor-in Chief);
(5)三种国外SCI期刊Carbohydrate Polymers (IF 5.158, 英国),Bioresources (美国)和Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy (美国) 副主编,The world Journal of Forestry副主编, Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University (JFFIU) 副主编;
(6)三种国外SCI期刊Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (JCR一区, IF 3.412),International Journal of Cellulose Chemistry and Technology (SCI期刊) 及The Scientific World Journal (SCI期刊) 编委;
(7)Bioethanol Journal,Journal Energy Research and Applications,Bioresources and Bioprocessing,Journal of Engineering,Energy Review及SF Journal of Material and Chemical Engineering 等期刊编委。
(1)国家自然科学基金项目重点项目,林木半纤维素与木质素复合物结构解析及高值化利用基础研究,2015/01-2019/12, 328万元,在研,主持;
(2)国家自然科学基金项目国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 农林废弃物木质素清洁分离、结构表征及功能材料制备基础研究, 2012/01-2016/12,280万元,结题,主持;
(1)Li, F., Wang, X.,* Yuan, T., Sun, R.* (2016). A lignosulfonate-modified graphene hydrogel with ultrahigh adsorption capacity for Pb (II) removal. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4, 11888-11896.
(2)Sun, R. C.* (2010) Cereal Straw as a Resource for Sustainable Biomaterials and Biofuels: Chemistry, Extractives, Lignins, Hemicelluloses and Cellulose. Elsevier.
(3)Zhong, L., Peng, X., Song, L., Yang, D., Cao, X., Sun, R.* (2013). Adsorption of Cu2+ and Ni2+ from aqueous solution by arabinoxylan hydrogel: Equilibrium, kinetic, competitive adsorption. Separation Science and Technology, 48, 2659-2669.
(4)Zhong, L. X., Peng, X. W., Yang, D., Sun, R. C.* (2012). Adsorption of heavy metals by a porous bioadsorbent from lignocellulosic biomass reconstructed in an ionic liquid. Journal of Agricultural and Food chemistry, 60, 5621-5628.
(5)Wang, B., Wen, J. L., Sun, S. L., Wang, H. M., Wang, S. F., Liu, Q. Y., Charlton, A., Sun, R. C.* (2017). Chemosynthesis and structural characterization of a novel lignin-based bio-sorbent and its strong adsorption for Pb (II). Industrial Crops and Products, 108, 72-80.
(6)Luo, Y., Shen, S., Luo, J., Wang, X.,* Sun, R. (2015) Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles in xylan solution via Tollens reaction and their detection for Hg2+. Nanoscale, 7, 690-700.
(7)Li, F., Wang, X.,* Sun, R.* (2017). A metal-free and flexible supercapacitor based on redox-active lignosulfonate functionalized graphene hydrogels. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5, 20643-20650.
(8)Wang S., Li, H., Ren, J., Liu, C., Peng, F., Sun, R.* (2013). Preparation of xylan citrate-A potential adsorbent for industrial wastewater treatment. Carbohydrate Polymers, 92, 1960-1965.
(9)Wen, J. L., Yuan, T. Q., Sun, S. L., Xu, F., Sun, R. C.* (2014). Understanding the chemical transformations of lignin during ionic liquid pretreatment. Green Chemistry, 2014, 16, 181-190.
(10)Peng F., Ren J.L., Xu F., Bian J., Peng P., Sun R.C.* (2009) Comparative study of hemicelluloses obtained by graded ethanol precipitation from sugarcane bagasse. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 6305-6317.
(11)Peng X.W., Zhong L.X., Ren J.L., Sun R.C.* (2012) Highly effective adsorption of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions by macroporous xylan-rich hemicelluloses-based hydrogel. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012, 60, 3909-3916.
(12)Peng X., Ren J., Zhong L., Sun R.C.* (2011) Nanocomposite films based on xylan-rich hemicelluloses and cellulose nanofibers with enhanced mechanical properties. Biomacromolecules, 2011, 12, 3321-3329.
(13)Yuan T.Q., Xu F., He J., Sun R.C.* (2010) Structural and physico-chemical characterization of hemicelluloses from ultrasound-assisted extractions of partially delignified fast-growing poplar wood through organic solvent and alkaline solutions. Biotechnology Advances, 28, 583-593.
(14)Wang X.H.,* Guo Y.Z., Li D., Chen H., Sun R.C.* (2012) Fluorescent amphiphilic cellulose nanoaggregates for sensing trace explosives in aqueous solution. Chemical Communications, 48, 5569-5571.